Sometimes it is good to be early. These retro Christmas cloths will become the 2008
tomte collection. I bought them on sale in a thriftstore right after Christmas last year, darn cheap. I can't wait to start cutting in them! I know they are really cool as tablecloths, but they are a bit too much for me, so I'd rather make something fresh and new out of them. I am especially fond of the one on the right, the colours and patterns are just amazing! I have also finished my last Christmas cards today so now they are off to the printers. Hope they end up nice, it is always as exciting!
I think one of the advantages with having a craft business is that it is ok to start early with the Christmas crafts, I love it!
well done you for being all organized about christmas... I am so behind with setting the house to rights. I'm supposed to be sanding down the kitchen door at the moment to prep the kitchen for painting tommorow. I hate sanding its the worst job.
I have organized a few things for birthdays and christmas but there is alot to organize still and I have to fill an order for my jewellery to display in a shop in town.
happy crafting!
78 days to christmas (I think) I LOVE christmas, and can't wait to see how the tablecloths turn into tomtes!!!
beautiful...i looked at the flickr photos. these are darling. is tomtes the word for gnomes?
What a great thrift find! Those are gorgeous - I can't wait to see this years tomtes!
Oh exiting. I can imagine many future combinationa of the different patterned fabrics :)
They are all gorgeous! The one on the far right is my favorite too. I can't wait to see what they become!
How can you cut those up...
I am so excited about the cards... can't wait to know more!
Beautiful tablecloths. Great find. Can't wait to see what you do with them.
Those are beautiful! I especially like the red and green one. Can't wait to see the finished projects!
those are going to be great!
i have been preparing for christmas as well, making as many books as i can for my shop. it's a bit embarrassing thinking about christmas now, since i'm against the rampant commercialization of the holiday, so i keep it to myself. i'm glad i'm not alone! :) i can't wait to see what the tablecloths turn into.
oooh, the one on the right is indeed awesome, verycurious what you wiull create out of it!!!!
Christmas always comes around so fast!
I also love the design of the one on the right but I know you will make it into some wonderful tomte!
They are going to be lovely - can't wait to see them!
I need to make a start on Christmassy stuff. I never seem able to think about it until after Monster's birthday - and unfortunately that's not until the end of November!!
Hi! Did you notice at newest Glorian Koti there is your postcard, at page 77? But once again they just mention the place where the card was bought. I think it would be only fair to mention the artist behind the postcard!
I love the fabric tablecloths you found. I love anything with a Scandinavian look!! I love the 2nd cloth from the right and can't wait to see what you do with it. Hurry... hurry... I have no patience at all!!
Lovely vintage fabrics!
beautiful cloths
Oh I love those tablecloths! I'm sure you will do something fantastic with them. Such awesome projects you have been working on!
This was good.An embroidered tablecloth is a cloth that people use to cover their tables. Usually they are made of cotton or an artificial fabric, but more expensive ones can be made of silk, linen or lace like a quaker lace tablecloth.
Linen Table CLoth - table covers,table linen,napkin,cloth napkins,linen napkins,table skirt,chair covers,holiday
tablecloths,holiday table linens,table clothes,linens,round
tablecloths,napkins,printed table cloths
(...... I love starting early with Christmas!) Do you think it would be okay to put up a Christmas tree, or might the neighbours think I have lost my mind altogether :)
Joy to you!
this looks great!!! all i want is one of those owls. pretty please!!! yeah..i'm getting an early start too because i'm taking december off. i need some time for play only!!!!!!!
ooooh! the tomtes are going to be so wonderful!! can't wait.
oooh, what a teaser. you're right, love them, but wouldn't use them as they are. Can't wait to see what you make.
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