
Stats and a hit in my head

I finally decided to add a stat counter to my blog this week. I have quite enjoyed reading my stats over at flickr so I thought it would be nice to follow up visits here too. It proved to be much more interesting (and a little scary) than I had thought. I've had 725 visitors since Wednesday! Thank you! I know many of you are "old friends", thank you for taking the time to read my notes and for your ever so kind and encouraging comments! Feel free to say hi if you are a lurker, new or old! I promise to try my best to say something wise here every once in awhile...

The tree quilt was snatched off the shop so I had to get myself busy replacing it. The result is the come what may-quilt. I've had this phrase from Annie's song ringing in my head for far too long now so I thought it best to let it go with a bird. Hope you like it! I have been longing to make some traditional patchwork so I added three scrappy log cabin blocks to it. I got some critique previously for announcing Autumn as started, I hope this is Summery enough for you all!

Things are happening on the patio even if the weather has been very cold lately, here is a sunflower that finally showed her pretty face!


prettywithribbons said...

I enjoy your blog and your photos...very inspiring and absolutely adorable stuff! Enjoy looking at your counter...it is especially fun to see where everyone comes from.

Amanda Jean said...

I am in LOVE with your little log cabin blocks! they are so very sweet. well, the whole quilt is! what is the width of the logs? (if you don't mind sharing.)

Anina said...

I love it. Of course, I love all your quilts.

dutchcomfort said...

Love the little log cabin blocks in your quilt!

Anonymous said...

I am currently obsessed with slightly wonky log cabin blocks PLUS I love tons of white in a quilt. This all adds up to me LOVING this little art quilt!! So so beautiful. Really your design sense is so wonderful...

Florence Knapp (Flossie Teacakes) said...

I think I have only previously lurked on your beautiful blog...but have come out to say what a beautiful quilt that is, and so that you have one less visitor to puzzle over the identity of in your stats! x

Selina said...

I'm new!! I love your birds, they are beautiful.

Lisa said...

your quilt is so cheery! I love those blocks (i love log cabins!)

Anonymous said...

I may be a lurker - can't remember if I have ever left a comment.

I came from Kirsty's blog- Two Lime Leaves and I think your work is just lovely.

Anonymous said...

So cute! Love the whimsical nature of the piece.

Jill said...

Beautiful quilt! I love the words and the quilty blocks! Unfortunately, I now have the Annie theme running through my head. I'm sure it will be gone by Tomorrow. :)

annax said...

You have a lovely blog! A great place to visit!

Yummers! said...

Love your wall hanging... cute, cute, cute!! Enjoy your counter... I love mine. When I don't have a lot of comments, it's nice to see that lots of people at least visited.

Anonymous said...

Your new quilt will likely be snached up from your shop really quickly too, as it is so lovely! Have a great week!

jacquie said...

oh i would snatch this up if i could! it's fabulous. i'm so happy to add to your stats!

KristenMary said...

Do you think your Stat counter counts views from google reader? I subscribe to your blog via the reader and sometimes don't go to your actual page (unless I'm writing a comment like today!) I bet that it would still count the subscriptions but I thought I would mention it just in case!

Mrs Moog said...

Oh my word Kajsa - another fabulous quilt!! I love love love it!

Beautiful sunflower too and I'm also suffering a very severe bout of craft room envy after seeing your beautiful new studio!

Hilda May said...

Hello......Iv'e been lurking for a few weeks now and love your blog.......love the new quilt too.....Iv'e just been bitten by the quilt bug and I am having a fab time with it...

Rachel x

periwinkle said...

love the sunflower, mine never got past a few inches high as a certain cat ate all the tops off!!
lisa x

painted fish studio said...

yay for stats! they can get addicting. :) i'll keep coming back, i'm such a big fan of your work!

vlijtig said...

I've tagged you. Look at my blog to see what it's about. Join in if you like.

Anonymous said...

I like the effect of having the color mostly to one corner of each block. Inspirational. I'll be back.